Cost-share for residential septic improvements may be available for homeowners in the Tinker Creek watershed (Daleville, Cloverdale, parts of Troutville) and the Glade Creek watershed (Blue Ridge). Click the following link for a PDF map of the eligible areas: 8.5x11_BOCO_SubWS
Click this link to see our program postcard: Direct mail septic2
Work covered by the cost-share includes
- tank pump-out
- tank or distribution box repairs
- replacement system (including alternative systems)
Important applicant information:
- Residence must be located in an eligible watershed. Eligible areas include parts of Blue Ridge, Cloverdale, Daleville, and Troutville. Contact our office to determine if you live in an eligible watershed.
- Applicant must be the homeowner. If you are a tenant having septic problems, your landlord must make the application for financial assistance.
- Existing residential properties only — no new construction. Funding cannot be used for remodeling, expansion, or addition. Commercial properties, businesses, and houses of worship are not eligible.
- NO WORK can be done on your septic system until your application is approved by the District. Wait for an approval letter before proceeding.
- All work, with the exception of pump outs, must receive a repair permit and inspection report from the health department (unless otherwise waived by the health department). Contact the Botetourt County Health Department at (540) 473-8240 before proceeding with any work other than a septic tank pump out.
How much financial assistance is offered?
The district will reimburse the homeowner 50% of eligible project costs, subject to a practice cap. Some residents may be eligible to receive up to 80% financial assistance based on income level. If a problem is found during a pump out, you may apply for additional financial assistance. Current cost share rates: MCSWCD septic cost share rates PY25
How do I apply?
- Application forms are available at the links below or by emailing tim.miller@mountaincastles.org. Return the completed forms by one of the following methods:
- Scan/take a photo and email the completed forms to Tim Miller at tim.miller@mountaincastles.org,
- Scan/take a photo and text to Tim Miller at (540) 797-0217
- Mail to our office: Mountain Castles SWCD, 36 Executive Circle, Suite 1, Roanoke, VA 24012.
- Application forms:
- Contract P1_email (complete highlighted sections)
- W-9 (complete highlighted sections)
- Income Eligibility Worksheet_PY24(complete only if applying for more than 50% assistance (see note below)
- If you qualify for more than 50% financial assistance based on the income eligibility guidelines (available at MCSWCD septic cost share rates PY25), please submit proof of household income with your application. Eligibility is determined by the total household income, including the income of all household members. Income includes all sources, whether or not they are taxable for federal income tax purposes. To calculate your annual household income, add all income sources such as: social security benefits, wages, salaries and tips, retirement benefits, pension and annuity receipts, unemployment compensation, disability payments, interest and dividend receipts, business income, rental income, and capital gains. Submit the previous year’s federal tax return or pay stub with year-to-date figures or a letter from Social Security or your retirement fund stating the amount of income received each month.
- Applications are presented for approval at monthly Board meetings (2nd Wednesday of each month). Please submit applications no later than the Friday before the Board meeting.
Who does the work?
You may choose any certified company or individual to work on your septic system. We have a list of septic service providers we will share upon request. You can also find a list of service providers on the Virginia Department of Health website. We strongly recommend obtaining quotes from multiple contractors as we have seen a wide range of costs for similar services.
If you are having your septic system pumped out, please return this inspection form with your receipt: MCSWCD septic insection form
Where does the money come from?
This project has been funded by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality through a section 319(h) grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
More homeowner resources:
- District Septic brochure
- Septic tank animation with “do’s” and “don’ts”
- septic system web page from the EPA
- septic system facts and maintenance PDF from NC Cooperative Extension
- Septic system maintenance tips from The Spruce