After the Dust Bowl in the 1930’s, Conservation Districts began to spread across the country. Today there are 3,000 conservation districts in the United States that work to conserve and protect all our natural resources. In Virginia, there are 47 districts that serve almost every locality throughout the entire commonwealth.
In 1939, the Natural Bridge Soil Conservation District was formed to serve Rockbridge and Botetourt. In 1945, Craig County was added to the district service area. The following several decades brought thousands of participants volunteering to implement conservation practices on their farms. Conservation Districts were there for farmers throughout droughts, redevelopment, and growth by assisting in cost share programs, technical assistance, and community education.
Craig and Botetourt eventually separated in 1987 to form a new District called Mountain Castles. It is named after the county seats: New Castle and Fincastle, and the beautiful mountains surrounding them. Today, Mountain Castles Soil and Water Conservation District continues to support our agricultural community through promoting water quality and soil health in addition to implementing other residential cost share programs and educational outreach.
Mountain Castles SWCD operates mostly on grants from the Department of Conservation and Recreation, and support from Botetourt and Craig Counties. The District also receives grants from DEQ, VASWCD, and other nonprofits to support the residential and educational efforts in the community.
Mountain Castles could not exist without the continued partnership and participation from our community members. From its very beginning after the Dust Bowl, Districts realized that conservation efforts had to start with individuals and families. We are honored to partner with our community and friends to preserve our soil, water, air, forests, and wildlife, and everything that makes Botetourt and Craig beautiful.
Mission Statement:
Today, the mission of Mountain Castles SWCD is to promote and develop locally driven solutions to natural resource concerns for the people of Botetourt County and Craig County by leveraging federal, state, local, and private resources.
Vision Statement:
Mountain Castles Soil and Water Conservation District will advocate for the sustainable use of natural resources and will act to improve water quality and soil health through conservation and education programs for the people of Botetourt County and Craig County.
Learn more about our Directors and staff, including contact information.