Tree identification guides
Common Native Trees of Virginia (pdf) — from VDOF
Common Native Shrubs and Woody Vines of Virginia (pdf) — VDOF (pdf)
FORsite — tree identification database from VA Tech
What Tree Is That? — online dichotomous key from the Arbor Day Foundation
Forestry resources
Wildfire in Virginia — website from the Virginia Dept of Forestry
Free family activities from Project Learning Tree
Wood Magic — lesson plans, activities, and fact sheets about wood science and forestry from VA Tech
Forest Facts — learning pages and puzzles on a variety of tree topics from VDOF
FORSite — Forestry outreach from Virginia Tech
Advanced photosynthesis animation — Inquiring minds want to know the REAL story!
4-H Virtual Forest — awesome interactive resource
Tree anatomy — easy to understand pdf
Measuring using a Biltmore Stick (pdf)
Forestry videos and animations
From acorn to seedling time lapse
How do trees survive the winter? An interesting animation from Minute Earth…
Click here for more specifics about why plants don’t freeze in winter.
Impacts of the Emerald ash borer from the Chesapeake Bay Program.
Cool tree topics from TED Ed